Category Archives: Prairie Creek

Learning Extension Camp January 18

Don’t let your kids sit around on January 18. There is no school on January 18 and Summit Schools is offering a “Day of Fun” which includes interactive activities at their Learning Extensions Camp. Please see this revised flyer below with updated information as the previous flyer was incorrect. Summit Schools apologizes for any confusion. Please contact Shannon Salmon at 319-294-2036 or with questions.

Learning Extensions Camp 1-18

Bond Issue Informational Meetings

College Community announces three bond issue informational meetings.  Two on January 13 and one on January 20. Superintendent John Speer will present details of the upcoming bond referendum and answer any questions you may have regarding the February 2, 2016 vote. Tours will be available after each informational meeting.  Click on the flyer below for details.

Bond Issue Informational Meetings

Girls Scouts Ah-mazing Adventures

Girls Scouts offers ah-mazing adventures for every girl. Come learn about the Girl Scouts Leadership Experience for girls in grades K-6 at Prairie Ridge Elementary School on January 8, 2016 from 6-7 pm.  Click on the flyer below for more information.

Girl Scouts Ah-Mazing Adventures

Parenting Young Children

College Community is pleased to partner with the Parent Education Consortium in providing a series of free workshops called “Parenting Young Children” (Birth-5 Years Old). The workshops are Monday evenings January 18 – February 22 at Prairie Crest Elementary. Free meal, childcare, activities and materials. Click on the link below for details.

Parenting Young Children Workshop

Cedar Rapids Parks & Rec Winter Programs

The Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Department is offering a variety of winter opportunities for students of all ages. Click on the link below to learn about the variety of activities being offered.

CR Parks & Rec Winter Programs

Block Kids Building Contest

The National Association of Women in Construction is sponsoring a Block Kids Building Contest for grades K-6 on January 16 at Kirkwood. Participation is free but space is limited to 60 children so registration is required. Click on the flyer below for details about the event.


Think B4 U Speak Week

The Olweus Council for the College Community School District focuses on anti-bullying efforts and ways to make our school community safer. A shirt has been designed for this special week (January 18-22).  Click on the link below for details.

2016 Think B4 U Speak Shirt Order

Join the Fun and Learn About Girl Scouts

Lets Dance on!  Come join the fun on November 23 at Creek and learn more about Girl Scouts.  Join Emmy Cuvelier (Miss Southeast Iowa Queen) who will teach the girls how to dance while the parents learn more about Girl Scouts.  Click on the flyer below for details.

Girl Scouts and Dance

Prairie Poms Programs – Night at Orange Leaf

The Prairie High School Performance, Competitions Poms and All Start teams are having a night at Orange Leaf Tuesday, November 10.  Mention the attached promotion on the date and a percentage of your purchase with help support the programs. Click on the flyer below for more information.
