Category Archives: Prairie High School

Virtual Cookies and Canvas

A virtual Cookies & Canvas children’s grief support event will be offered by UnityPoint Hospice, in partnership with Cedar Memorial, on November 7th from 10-1130 am.  This event will utilize painting as a coping tool in grief and is targeted for children from ages 5-18.  Services are free to all who attend, adults are encouraged to participate with their children.  Click on the link below for more information.

Virtual Cookies and Canvas

Toys for Tots

College Community Schools helps to provide a happy holiday for those less fortunate by being a collection site for Toys for Tots. New toys will be collected at the district office though December 3. Click on link below for more details.

Toys for Tots

Junior Golf Academy

Learn to play golf with the best golf development model. Airport National Golf has a junior golf academy for ages 5-18. Opportunity to learn the fundamental of golf through through their curriculum with 6 levels of progression. Click the link below for more information.

Junior Golf Academy

Prairie Volleyball Poster and Youth Night

Come cheer on the Prairie Volleyball team Tuesday, September 22 as the Hawks face Oskaloosa.  Sophomore and JV teams begin at 5:30 pm followed by the Varsity. The evening will include recognizing 7th-9th grade volleyball players and signing posters immediately following the match.  Click on the flyer below for more details.

Prairie Volleyball Poster and Youth Night

Prairie Hawk Golf Challenge

Register today and participate in the 8th Annual Prairie School Foundation Prairie Hawk Golf Challenge on Monday, August 3 at Saddleback Ridge Golf Course in Solon. Click on the link below for more information.

Prairie Hawk Golf Challenge

No GRAB N’ Go Meals May 4

No GRAB N’GO Meal Distribution on Monday, May 4:
Meals will not be distributed on Monday, May 4 due to a scheduled staff professional learning day at College Community Schools.

An archive of previous communications and current information related this school closure can be found on our website in a section titled “COVID-19 (Coronavirus) UPDATES”

Complete the 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is taking place this year, and we encourage your family to respond! The Census counts EVERY PERSON living in America and determines state funding and representation in Congress. We want ALL IOWANS to be counted and help ensure our community receives important federal funding for programs and services. Every household will receive a letter in March from the U.S. Census Bureau with information on how to respond – you can complete the census online, by phone, or through the mail – and your information is protected by law.  Click on the flyer below for the 2020 Cenus FAQ.

2020 Census FAQ