I am Ingda 5K

Support the Horizons Survivors Program and participate in a 5K Run/Walk on September 20 on the Prairie campus. Celebrate the lives of Ingrid Huber Livingston and Linda Huber and support Ingrid’s children.  Click on the flyer below for detailed information.

I am Ingda 5K Run 

Prairie High School Dance Team Benefit Night

The Prairie High School Dance Team and Prairie All Stars Dancers are having a Benefit Night on Wednesday, September 10 from 11:00 am – 10:00 pm at Orange Leaf.  Click on the flyer below for more information.

Prairie Dance Team Benefit Night


Community Impact Event

You are invited to come out to Pizza Ranch at 2450 Westdate Drive SW, on Wednesday, August 27th, from 5:00 pm-9:00 pm and partake in a fundraising event.  Allow the Prairie Cheerleaders to serve you, your visit benefits the Cheerleaders.

Community Impact

Cedar Rapids Parks & Rec Fall Opportunities

The Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Department is offering a variety of fall opportunities for students of all ages. Click on the link below to learn about the variety of activities being offered.

Cedar Rapids Parks & Rec

Join the Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts provide boys great opportunities to have FUN with a purpose!  Boys currently in 1st through 5th grade are invited to join Cub Scouts this fall.  Learn more about scouting and the two Packs that serve College Community by attending Recruiting Night on Tuesday August 26th 6:30-7:30 pm in the Prairie Ridge Library.  Boys will have fun with paper rockets and paracord bracelets while parents attend the information meeting. Click on the flyer to learn more about these events.

Join the Cub Scouts